Windows XP Unlimited: Difference between revisions

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* The Internet Explorer title registry key uses the computer's name (it sources the %USERNAME% variable).
* A toolbar background for Windows and Internet Explorer has been specified, it points to a file named "mado.bmp".
* MSN Messenger will no longer ask you to login to .NET Passport
* Windows Media Player 10 will now export in CD quality
* The 3D Text screensaver's default text is now set to "XP Unlimited". It now uses Texture as its surface type. Which one is not specified in the registry file.
* The registry key for the Windows Media Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe) title is set to <code>-<<<Unlimited>>>-</code>. It will disappear after the included Windows Media Player 10 has been setup.
* Explorer/Advanced:
** Hidden files are now hidden
** File extensions are no longer hidden
** Icon labels will now have shadows under them
** The transparent selection square has been disabled
** Automatic searching for network folders and printers has been disabled
** Windows Explorer will now open its windows in seperate processes
** The Classic Start menu's programs list will now automatically be scrolled
** Start menu: Network Connections is now listed
** Start menu: Drag and drop in the Start menu is now enabled
** Start menu: Printers is now listed
** Start menu: The All Programs list will now have scrolling
** Compressed NTFS files will no longer be colored
** Taskbar task grouping has been disabled
* The Desktop Cleanup Wizard has been disabled
* Windows Explorer will no longer hide the contents of the Control Panel folder, the system drive root folder, Program Files, Windows and system32.
* Autodialing has been fully disabled. The number of maximum connections to a HTTP (including 1.0) server is raised to 10.
* Both the Windows and Internet Explorer toolbar now have labels
* The registry key for the Windows Media Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe) title is set to <code>-<<<Unlimited>>>-</code>. It will disappear after the included Windows Media Player 10 has been setup.
=== Look and feel ===