Windows 10 Joker Edition 2015

Revision as of 13:41, 11 April 2023 by Undefishin (talk | contribs)

Windows 10 Joker 2015 (also referred to as Windows 10 Pirate Edition) is a non-installable bootleg Windows 10 Build 9860 edition created by BossKanae in 2015. It is one of two bootlegs that are based on the Windows Technical Preview. This specific build is build 9860.

Windows 10 Joker Edition 2015
Crusty Windows bootleg
Original OSWindows 10 Build 9860
Release date2015
Architecture(s)x86 (32-bit)
File size1.08 GB
Download link10 Joker 2015.iso
Date addedMarch 7th, 2023
Live CDNo


Since it cannot be installed (through both the setup and DISM), it is hard to provide an actual description. From the name and other bootlegs created by BossKanae, we can assume it comes loaded with software and Joker wallpapers.

Changes from Windows 10 Build 9860

  • (presumably) Added Joker wallpapers


  • The install.wim in this mod is broken, making it essentially useless. As a result, both the regular setup engine and dism fail to apply the image properly.
