Windows XP Mundial 2010 España

Revision as of 11:06, 19 August 2023 by Undefishin (talk | contribs)

Windows XP Mundial 2010 España (translated: Windows XP World Cup 2010 Spain) is a lost bootleg Windows XP SP3 (presumably) edition, which was created by Lander X. It released sometime in 2010.

Windows XP Mundial 2010 España
Crusty Windows bootleg
Original OSWindows XP SP3 (presumably)
Release dateJuly 2010 (presumably)
AuthorLander X
Live CDNo


Sadly the image is missing, so we don't know what this great OS may have looked like. The title and description confirms it was based on 2010 World Cup and got created from celebration of Spain's victory. Sadly we don't know anything else.