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Undefishin (talk | contribs) No edit summary |
Below is the current changelog for the Crusty Windows collection. This details what OSes have been added to the collection (and when).
== April 30th, 2023 ==
=== Windows 7 ===
* Windows 7 Emerald: <code>Win7EmeraldX86!.iso</code>
* Windows 7 PIRATES SP1: <code>Windows 7 PIRATES SP1 x86 by GarixBOSSS.iso</code>
* Windows 7 Super Lite 2017: <code>Windows-7-Super-Lite-2017-x86.iso</code>
=== Windows XP ===
* AeroMenu: <code>AeroMenu.iso</code>
* Windows XP Areo: <code>Windows Xp Areo SP3 (x86) SATA 2012.iso</code>
* Windows XP Seven CD: <code>Windows XP SP3 Seven CD 2014 OniS.iso</code>
* Windows XP Ubuntu Style 2011: <code>Win Xp Ubuntu Style 2011.iso</code>
* XTreme DVD v7.8: <code>XTreme_DVD_v7.8.iso</code>
* ZverCD 2012: <code>ZverCD_2012.iso</code>
* ZverDVD 2014.5: <code>ZverDVD_2014.5.iso</code>
== April 28th, 2023 ==
* FuckYouBill 2009: <code>FYB2009DVD1.iso, FYB2009DVD2.iso</code>
* Windows XP SP3 Retro: <code>Windows XP SP3 Retro.iso</code>
* Windows XP BEST EDITION: <code>Windows.XP.SP3
* Windows XP Greek with Vista Theme: <code>Windows XP Pro SP3 Greek With Vista Theme.iso</code>
* XTremeCD 30.05.14: <code>XTremeCD30.05.14.ISO</code>