Grass7: Difference between revisions

469 bytes added ,  31 August 2023
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== Changes from Windows 7 SP1 ==
* New setup graphics
* New boot screen, only available when you first boot into the Setup. You need to install it manually however to get it in the actual OS. It isgets locateddropped into the root of the CDC: drive.
* New OOBE graphics
* New login graphics
* The Windows Classic theme's titlebar gradients have been made green.
* New icon set
* New default avatar
* Some programs have had their branding changed. Windows DVD Maker was changed to Grass7 DVD Maker. This has also happened to Windows Media Center and Windows Update.
== Notes ==
* The creator of this mod bundled their own VMware graphics driversdriver, which causes issues with newer versions of VMware. To fix this, you must boot into Safe Mode and uninstall the "VMware SVGA 3D" driver under Display Adapters in the Device Manager.
* In the RTM version of Grass7, at the product key entry screen, you are told that it only accepts '''32-bit''' Windows 7 Ultimate keys.
* There are 2 text files that get dropped to the root of the C: drive, one of which is a CREDITS file which documents the author's name and what editions are planned to come out. Apparently, at the time of writing, 3 other editions would've released at the same month Grass7's release took place. Sounds like a pretty good way to get burnout if you ask me! The other file is a CHANGELOG file, which documents what edits to the OS were made.
== Gallery ==