StartOS 5.1

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StartOS 5.1
Crusty Linux bootleg
The desktop of StartOS 5.1
The desktop of StartOS 5.1
Original OSUbuntu 12.04 LTS
Release dateJanuary 17, 2013
Architecture(s)x86 (32-bit)
Other version(s)StartOS 5.0, StartOS 6.0 Beta
File size973.0 MiB
Download linkStartOS-5.1-LiveCD-i686.iso
Date addedFebruary 14, 2022

StartOS 5.1 is a bootleg Ubuntu 12.04 LTS edition, which was created by YLMF. It released on January 17, 2013, and was added to the archive on February 14, 2022.


The bootleg is a modified Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ISO. This is the second release under the "StartOS" brand, as the first release to have the branding was 5.0, which is not in the archive. Just about everything you can think of has been completely redesigned as part of the "StartOS" rebranding to have a completely different look, straying as far away from the original purpose of "YLMF OS" as possible.

The OS now uses a new desktop environment, called YMenu 5.0 (as of this release), which is a rebranded version of GNOME 2.32.1. It also comes with its own app store (called the Software Center), which seems to be entirely custom-written, along with its own tutorial (in HTML format).

It comes with an updated boot selector, where you can access DiskGenius 4.0.1 in DOS.

Changes from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Minor changes

  • New boot selector graphics

Changes in pre-desktop procedures

  • New setup graphics
  • New boot graphics

Look and feel

  • New default theme, and wallpaper
  • New icon set
  • New sound scheme


  • Adobe Flash Player
  • CHNTPW 110511
  • Google Chromium 20.0.1132.57
  • RAR 4.2.0



  • Wikipedia claims this version of StartOS is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which is clearly impossible since the release date of this bootleg contradicts the release of that Ubuntu version. Realistically, the bootleg is likely based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, as it was current at the time of this bootleg's release.

Bootleg quirks
