
From CrustyWindows, the largest archive of bootleg operating systems
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September 2024
Major submission guideline change
Effective immediately today (September 11, 2024), you can no longer submit your own bootlegs or submit bootlegs made after 2020 (unless they are notable in some way). The community bootleg section is also discontinued. Further information can be found in the #announcements channel of our Discord server.
February 2023
We now have a Discord server!
CrustyWindows now has its own Discord server. You can use it to discuss the CrustyWindows project, Wiki, or just modified operating systems in general. You can also submit ISOs for the collection or just hang out! You can also get notified of future updates to the collection if you join the Discord server. Another good place to look is in the archive changelog. So... what are you waiting for? Join here!
We are searching for ISOs!
A list of currently lost bootlegs that are being searched for can be found here or in the #bootleg-hitlist channel in our Discord server. If you have any of the ISOs we're looking for, please email us at OR join our Discord so we can add it to our collection!