
A list of terminology used in context of this wiki. Enjoy.

General Terms

A list of general/common words used here.


A modified version of an operating system, usually released either online for free or sold for actual money in undeveloped markets.


A particularly obvious set of design flaws, whenever this being visually or functionally depends on the context.


Referring to the use of Storage Media Backup Software as a way of installing. Commonly associated with low-quality releases.


Original author of the crustywindows collection.

Chat-only Terms

You'll probably only see these outside of the wiki.

Honeywell Disc

The "Honeywell Disc" refers to a Bootable CD which has a copy of Windows to run Ghost32. It is known for being faster then a usual copy of Norton/Symantec Ghost. The "Honeywell" of the name refers to the fact that the copy of Windows is branded as Honeywell.

You can download an image of the Honeywell Disc here: ~lily/Utility/WIN_PE_RevC.iso

IAOS/Install Any OS

Refers to a set of VMs on CollabVM named VM7 and VM8. These VMs are special in the case they, as the name suggests, allow you to install Any OS.