Windows 10 Extreme Lite

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Windows 10 Extreme Lite
Crusty Windows bootleg
The desktop of Windows 10 Extreme Lite
The desktop of Windows 10 Extreme Lite
Original OSWindows 10 1607 EnterpriseEvaluation
Release dateJanuary 16, 2017
AuthorBob Pony
CountryUnited States
Architecture(s)x86 (32-bit)
File size460.4 MiB
Download linkWindows 10 Lite.iso
Date addedMay 7, 2023

Windows 10 Extreme Lite is a bootleg Windows 10 1607 Enterprise Evaluation edition, which was created by Bob Pony. It released on January 16, 2017, and was added to the archive on May 7, 2023. Bob Pony would make some more bootlegs (mostly continuing the "Extreme Lite" series), and then quit making them after that.


The bootleg is a stripped down Windows 10 1607 Enterprise Evaluation ISO. A good portion of the setup is unattended.

The bootleg was made using NTLite.

Changes from Windows 10 1607 Enterprise Evaluation

Minor changes

  • OEM branding is included

Changes in pre-desktop procedures

  • The OOBE is skipped entirely. The Administrator user is activated and now used as the first user you logon to by default

Look and feel

  • Nearly every single UWP/system app has been removed from the system, except Settings
  • Nearly all the fonts have been removed (except a select few)
  • All system sounds have been purged, including cursors and wallpapers
  • All of the telemetry has been removed


Bootleg quirks

  • The Windows Explorer's Ribbon has been removed, and replaced with the old Windows 7 explorer
  • The Command Prompt's font is now set to use Raster Fonts at 12 x 16 size by default.
  • You no longer have to enter in a product key by default, although the OS remains unactivated.

System information

  • The registered owner and organization have been set to "You" and " ;)".
