TinyXP Beast Edition: Difference between revisions

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(i'm surprised no one did this one yet)
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It comes with many critical post-SP2 hotfixes. It comes with registry tweaks. It is unattended, and preactivated.
The ISObootleg was made using nLite, and the ISO was made with CDImage 2.47.
== Changes from Windows XP SP2 ==
=== Minor changes ===
* A HTML file named "<code>Beast_Edition.htm"</code> is included, in the top directory of the Start Menu, specifically in All Users.
* OEM branding is included, along with Support Information.
=== CD contents and other info ===
* All of the files on the CD are the same date - June 6, 2006 1512:00.
* Everything but <code>I386</code> (and <code>$OEM$</code>) has been removed from the CD.
* The CD label is set to "TinyXP".
=== WINNT.SIF metadata ===