Gold Windows XP 2016: Difference between revisions

changed text: winodws to windows
(changed text: winodws to windows)
== Gallery ==
XP_Gold2016_SetupFile:XP Gold2016 Setup.png | Setup in the graphical phase
XP_Gold2016_BootFile:XP Gold2016 Boot.png | Boot screen
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 Login.png | Login screen
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 DesktopFB.png | Desktop on first boot
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 WPI.png | WPI
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 WPI Install.png | WPI while it's installing software
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 DesktopFB2.png | Desktop before reboot
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 Desktop.png | Empty desktop
XP_Gold2016_StartMenuFile:XP Gold2016 StartMenu.png | Start menu ("Gold XP 2016" theme ("GOLD 2" theme))
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 SysDM.png | System Properties
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 Support Information.png | Support Information
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 Run.png | Run
File:XP Gold Windows XP 2016 About Windows.png | About WinodwsWindows
XP_Gold2016_AutorunFile:XP Gold2016 Autorun.png | Autorun