CrustyWindows:Bootleg of the Month/September 2023

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The desktop of Windows XP Ganja Edition

Windows XP Ganja Edition is a bootleg Windows XP SP3 edition, which was created by cropptown89/Ziomek. It released on November 1, 2009, and was added to the archive on December 9, 2021.

The bootleg is a modified Windows XP SP3 ISO, which comes with DriverPacks LAN/WLAN/Chipset and mass storage drivers along with many updates integrated, which is a bit slimmed down. It comes with a completely new look, featuring ganja, rasta, weed, and everything inbetween! Along with a icon set, a new wallpaper, among many other things. A lot of things are removed. It is unattended and preactivated.

The ISO was made using nLite on Windows XP SP3.