Category:Bootlegs created by eWafr-Bedrin: Difference between revisions

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'''eWafr-Bedrin''' was a Russian group created by Sergey Bedrin Viktorovich which was active from the late 90's90s to the late 2000's2000s. It is most known for the WinBeOS98 and BedOS series of bootlegs, which are considered one of the earliest existing Windows 9x bootlegs, toalbeit existprototypical (they were more transformation pack than a true bootleg in their concept). Other bootlegsmodifications and various products have also been published under ''eWafr-Bedrin'', such as OurOS and even a search engine, "Дрозд" (Drozd).
eWafr-Bedrin is comprisedcomposed of two parts: the acronym "eWafr", which stands for education (образование), Wise (Мудрость), above (высочайшая), future (будущая), and race (раса), and "Bedrin", which is the creator's last name.
[[Category:Bootlegs by author]]