CrustyWindows:Bootleg of the Month/January 2024

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The desktop of Windos 7

Windos 7 is a bootleg Windows XP SP3 edition, which was created by CHOCOLATEMAN (yeah, hard to believe, I know), and one of his real life friends which went by the persona "Inspector Gadget" on CollabVM.

It released in 2016, after they decided one day to make their own Windows XP bootleg to make fun of them, after seeing Gold Windows XP 2016 by Computer Worm Corporation, that just became popular at the time they made this mod. They even made up a fake story to go along with the bootleg - they claimed they supposedly found the bootleg in a thrift store, and that it came out on September 21, 2012 (which it did not, they had merely edited the file dates on the CD to hide the true date).