Pink Neon Windows 7 Ultimate SuperLite

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Pink Neon Windows 7 Ultimate SuperLite
Crusty Windows bootleg
The desktop of Pink Neon Windows 7 Ultimate SuperLite
The desktop of Pink Neon Windows 7 Ultimate SuperLite
Original OSWindows 7 SP1
Release dateSeptember 27, 2022
AuthorJerry_Xristos of TeamOS
Architecture(s)x64 (64-bit)
File size1.4 GiB
Download linkPink Neon Windows 7 Ultimate & SuperLite.iso
Date addedNovember 25, 2022

Pink Neon Windows 7 Ultimate SuperLite is a bootleg Windows 7 SP1 edition, which was created for TeamOS by Jerry_Xristos. It released on September 27, 2022, and was added to the archive on November 25, 2022.


The bootleg is a modified Windows 7 SP1 ISO. It comes with a new pink theme, and some programs, along with some wallpapers.

During the OOBE finalization portion, Windows Loader will get automatically executed. Windows Defender definition updates will also get installed, for some reason.

It is preactivated. The ISO was made using NTLite.

Changes from Windows 7 SP1

Minor changes

  • New desktop context menu entries included

Changes in pre-desktop procedures

  • The setup engine has been replaced with Windows 10 Anniversary Update's one

Look and feel

  • New default theme, and wallpaper
  • New icon set


  • 7-Zip 22.01
  • Mozilla Firefox 87
  • Winaero Tweaker


Bootleg quirks

  • Since the bundled Mozilla Firefox installer is an online installer, it will not work without an internet connection, or will outright download the latest version instead.
