CrustyWindows:Bootleg of the Month/April 2024

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The desktop of Gold Windows XP 2016

Gold Windows XP 2016 is a bootleg Windows XP SP3 edition, which was created by Muhammed Sadeem of Computer Worm Corporation. It released on August 29, 2015, and was added to the archive on August 6, 2022.

It is notable for being one of the most famous Windows XP bootlegs, and was featured on many YouTube channels and other places, and is widely known by many people. The default theme in the bootleg is infamous for being hard to look at with its strange colors and weird-looking window buttons, which contributed to its popularity along with the loud music that the WPI has and many of its other quirks, which cemented this bootleg as a classic example of a hysterically poorly-made Windows bootleg.

The bootleg is a modified Windows XP SP3 ISO, which includes many programs, games, wallpapers, updates and tweaks. It is heavily gold-themed, but it has many other themes. It comes with its own autorun, and a WPI. It is unattended and preactivated.

The ISO was made using nLite, and the DLLs were edited with an unregistered copy of Resource Tuner 2.